Get Involved

Life Groups

Life groups are where you can find support and love as you learn, grow & serve together. We strongly recommend belonging to a life group. God designed us to enjoy community and it is so often there that we find God. Please feel free to contact us and we will put you in touch with a group. 

Prayer Groups

Prayer ministry is available to everyone during services and within Life Groups. You're welcome to join the Tuesday morning prayer group, 6.30am in the Calvin lounge, and to confidentially place your prayer needs on the Calvin Prayer Chain - please phone Helen Clement 208 4564 or fill out the prayer request form here.

Support & Recovery

Don't go it alone. We want to offer support, encouragement and practical help for those going through a rough patch. 



God created each of us with a unique blend of talents, interests, and spiritual gifts to reconcile our broken world back to Him. When we use these God-given gifts by serving we make a lasting difference in the lives of others - and in our own lives as well. Serving others models Christ’s humility and shows His love to others.